API Exchange LogoAPI ExchangeCRM/ATS Integration Docs

Chrome Extension API Integration for CRM/ATS Partners

This document outlines the essential API endpoints required for integrating our Chrome extension with CRM/ATS systems. The extension enables sourcing from LinkedIn and other websites, pushing data directly to partner platforms.

Search & Retrieval

Find and retrieve records, candidates, contacts, companies, and job listings

Record Creation

Create new candidates, contacts, and company records from scraped data

Record Updates

Update existing records with new information


Create relationships between candidates, contacts, companies, and jobs

Supporting Features

Upload files, add notes, and manage user references

Intelligent Matching

Use AI matching to connect candidates with suitable jobs and companies

Technical Considerations

  • Authentication via OAuth 2.0 or API keys
  • JSON response format with consistent error handling
  • Support for various record types (candidates, contacts, leads)
  • Proper data validation and deduplication

This API framework enables seamless integration between our Chrome extension and partner platforms, allowing users to capture profiles, match them to jobs, and send data to the CRM/ATS without switching applications.